Is It Too Late To Earn Passive Income with Helium Mining?

Recently, I’ve been rather successful in helium mining, and as a result, I’ve been able to keep my monthly payouts at over $400. Even if this works perfectly for me, I can’t say that it will for everyone else. The current daily mining average for the network is somewhere about 0.11 HNT per day, which, assuming a price of 30 USD per HNT, is equivalent to only $3.30 USD. It’s possible that a daily income of $3.30 USD won’t appeal to the majority of people, especially considering that a respectable setup can cost more than $1,000 USD. In this essay, I will discuss the research I conducted before making the decision to buy a miner, and I strongly advise you to conduct similar research before deciding whether or not to join The People’s Network.
Location Ideal for the Helium Mining Industry
To begin, it is essential to ascertain whether or not the area you are in is suitable for the mining of helium. When calculating the quantity of HNT a miner generates, location is one of the most important factors.
Begin by conducting study into the productivity of other miners in the immediate area; the Helium Explorer will provide access to all hotspots on the network (the map is represented as hexagons, if interested in how this mapping system works check out this article). This explorer will display the number of hotspots within a hexagon as well as the total amount of HNT that has been mined from those hotspots over the course of the previous month. It’s probably not a good sign if there are a lot of miners in your hex that aren’t doing very well, and it’s also not a good sign if there aren’t any other miners nearby.
The ideal position for a hotspot is one that is not overly close to other hotspots but is yet close enough to be able to receive signals from those other hotspots.
Even though the Helium Explorer does not provide the precise locations of the hotspots that have been pinned by their owners, this information may be viewed on Hotspotty. Using this information, you should drive by adjacent hotspots to see if the owner’s setup can be seen. This can be helpful in determining what having a similar configuration in the area can earn by comparing the setups with the data on the explorer. If you believe that you may have a better setup than the majority of hotspots in your area, then that’s fantastic, because it means that your revenues are likely to be higher.
It is important to be aware of how the scaling of rewards affects your earnings.
Proof-of-coverage (PoC) rewards, often known as benefits for either being witnessed or witnessing, are anticipated to account for the vast majority of all payouts. Initially, every Proof-of-Concept reward was given out in equal amounts. However, in order to incentivize the installation of hotspots in regions with inadequate coverage and to discourage the installation of hotspots in regions with duplicate coverage, reward scaling was included. Both being a witness and acting as a witness can receive rewards, but such rewards are contingent on two factors:
1. The amount of people who witnessed it
2. The total number of hotspots contained within the transmitter’s hexagonal tile
The Helium Improvement Proposals (HIP) provide a comprehensive treatment of these topics; in particular, HIP15 and HIP17 provide an in-depth analysis of the methodology behind the computation of rewards. The following are some key points regarding them:
• Transmitters can increase their income by increasing the number of witnesses they have.
• Witness: After a total of four witnesses, any additional witnesses bring the overall amount of points received by each witness in that challenge down.
• Performs a random shuffling of all of the valid received witness receipts and chooses up to 25 of those valid receipts to write to the chain;
• The Witness will receive a lower reward if the “target density” is exceeded by the number of Hotspots located in the vicinity of the Transmitter. Target density shifts depending on the hex resolution, which is described in greater depth in the HIP and is determined in a number of chain variables.
Transmit Scale
It may be difficult to understand the calculation that lies beneath scaled rewards, but what we really need to know is whether or not the potential transmit scale value for your hotspot is 1.0 or very near to 1.0. Previously, this value was referred to as the reward scale. The transmit scale is a multiplier ranging from 0 to 1 that is applied to your rewards. This multiplier is a representation of the number of hotspots that are located in the region.
On Helium Explorer, let’s begin by checking out the transmission scale values for the hotspots that are located in your general vicinity. Pay particular attention to the hotspots in your hex and compare the transmission scale values of those locations, as it is possible that you will acquire numbers that are comparable. Note, however, that your transmit scale can be different from those of others in your hex due to the fact that this number is based not just on the density of your hex but also on several ranges in distinct locations of density. Because doing so makes the hex more dense, adding your hotspot to the Helium blockchain has the additional potential benefit of reducing the transmit scale used by those in your immediate vicinity.
Check out the Hotspotty website in order to acquire a more in-depth comprehension of the transmission scale for a hotspot. The reward scaling tab offers a wealth of insightful information and gives users the ability to modify the positions of existing hotspots in their game. If you want an estimate of the transmit scale value for your network, you can get one by picking a random hotspot and then editing its placement to match where you intend to put one.
Because the transmit scale is simply a multiplier, a low transmit scale does not necessarily mean that your earnings will be low. The quantity of activity at your hotspot can also be affected by other factors, including as the configuration of your system and the number of other hotspots with which you are capable of communicating.
The Height of a Possibility at a Hotspot Location
The topic of how high up a prospective hotspot location is in relation to the buildings or land that surround it is an important one to ask. If the height is normally higher than its surroundings, then it is an excellent spot for a helium miner since your signals will not be blocked off. This is because the elevation is generally higher than its surrounds. On the other hand, if you live at the bottom of a valley or in an area that is not raised, this strategy might not work out so well for you.
In general, you should consider whether the signals emitted by your antenna will have a sufficient quantity of reach that is not interrupted. due to the fact that this will have an immediate impact on your earnings.
In spite of everything that has been said, the choice is ultimately up to you. If you have completed all of the research and preparation that was mentioned before and you still feel confident about giving helium mining a try, then you should do it! Examine the situation from the point of view of an investment and calculate the period of time it will take you to return the initial investment using the data points that you have gathered as the basis for your estimate. Be a data driven investor!