Bitcoin Buyer App Review: Is It A Scam or Legit?

Bitcoin Buyer App

Without a doubt, the safe haven for investors in the rapidly expanding and extremely turbulent world of bitcoin is Bitcoin Buyer. By ensuring a more lucrative investment, Bitcoin Buyer assists in achieving a successful outcome. One of the greatest bots for trading cryptocurrencies is bitcoin buyer. Through user thoughts and ratings, we determined that traders may put their trust in auto trading bots.

The uncertainty of a legitimate platform strikes anxiety into the hearts of many traders because, if not carefully chosen, a scam is unavoidable. If this occurs, the investor will be cautious when using trading sites. Because bogus websites pose as the bot’s official website and send users to unregulated brokers, the bitcoin trading bot appears unsafe to customers. This is a scam in the digital marketplace, but Bitcoin Buyer is here to demonstrate that legitimate, secure platforms exist. To help you avoid falling victim to the scam, we’ve given you with the sign-up form. All investors benefit from the demo trading account that Bitcoin Buyer provides for its users. Beginners will comprehend the fundamentals of trading, while experts can test out new trading methods.

A well-known automated trading platform for bitcoins is called Bitcoin Buyer. This program benefits both novice and experienced investors by enabling users to profit from cryptocurrency trading. No prior trading experience or knowledge is necessary to begin trading on the Bitcoin Buyer Platform. According to reports, it includes all the tools a beginner will need to succeed.

According to the statements on its official platform, experienced traders are not excluded. According to our assessment of Bitcoin Buyer, it offers reasonable prices and transparent transactions. Additionally, it guarantees substantial returns for individuals who invest as little as $250. Later in this assessment, more on these allegations will be discussed.

The question at hand is: Is Bitcoin Buyer a scam or legitimate? If so, what actions should you take to begin? What are the system’s “DOs and DON’Ts”? Be sure to read the remainder of our review if you have any further queries about the Bitcoin Buyer trading platform.


• Has a modest minimum deposit of $250

• Regulated brokers

• Demo trading mode

• User-friendly interface

• Multiple cryptocurrencies to trade


• Requires little to no personal intervention

It lacks a mobile application and does not remove market risk.

Describe Bitcoin Buyer.

Bitcoin Buyer is a well-known name among traders who make money online. It was developed in 2018 and has held onto its title as the top bitcoin trading bot ever since. It is intriguing since it is 0.01% faster than the rest of the market’s competitors in both trading and feedback signaling. Its smart algorithm allows it to make informed decisions.

It is an automated trading system that has a reputation for being the financier of traders. Its robot handles all the laborious tasks associated with information gathering, data analysis, data cleansing, and accurate and timely data use. It makes accurate trades every time.

The system is said to have been created by an unnamed team of intellectual brokers. Because they were all familiar with how other Bitcoin applications worked, they decided to work together. As a result, Bitcoin Buyer, the ideal piece of software for bitcoin trading, was created. The brokers’ extreme confidence in the feasibility of their algorithm during the development of Bitcoin Buyer trading is an intriguing aspect to consider.

They asserted that Bitcoin Buyer is a simple but efficient way to boost investments.

Is Bitcoin Buyer legitimate or a scam?

We are aware of your doubts regarding automated trading platforms. Maybe you’ve already been the victim of a trading scam. We can relate to you because of this. However, you should be aware that Bitcoin Buyer is not a fraud, and many people have confirmed its reliability and legality. The feedback from users who have profited from this bot demonstrates that it produces significant profits for investors quickly after it has been introduced and put into use.

According to a predicted estimate with a 98% accuracy level, the system may easily make up to $1500 each day. However, there was no way to independently confirm these figures. Therefore, we depended on the endorsements of legitimate investors. Their brokers use a variety of technologies to protect clients from scams while yet enabling speedy deal execution.

You must be cautious when investing and be aware of the hazards if you want to thrive in business. It is crucial to heed this advise when trading cryptocurrencies due to the high amount of volatility in these marketplaces. According to all testimonials, Bitcoin Buyer is a legitimate auto trader. The use of this trading software does not, however, completely eliminate all dangers related to trading cryptocurrency.

Are there any prerequisites for trading with Bitcoin Buyer?

To use Bitcoin Buyer, you don’t need to be an expert. Why are you holding off when you already have all you need to achieve financial freedom? This trading system will use artificial intelligence to buy and sell bitcoins on your behalf (AI). The system takes great care to ensure that you won’t have to worry about practicing or maintaining the accuracy, speed, precision, and emotional level needed for Bitcoin trading. As a result, it accomplishes this as part of that care.

If you’re new to using Bitcoin, Bitcoin Buyer provides a plethora of resources regarding the different ways you may use it. It contains a user-friendly trading manual that thoroughly explains everything. You only need to be literate. You are ready to go if you can read and write.

The platform also has a section for virtual accounts where you may spend as much time as you like getting acquainted with trading and the system as a whole. In this area of the platform, you can practice various trading techniques before using real money. With this functionality, you can try out new techniques without worrying about losing money on your real account.

How do automated trading systems operate? What are they?

In the trading industry, many investors have incurred substantial losses, and some have even had trouble getting back on their feet. Anyone who wants to trade cryptocurrencies for profit must be willing to take the necessary steps, such as quickly conducting in-depth research. However, it is not humanly feasible to do this.

A experienced trader might wish to give it a try, but it will only work for a limited number of transactions. To minimize, if not completely remove, the risk of losing money when trading cryptocurrencies, the owners created automated trading systems.

Trading bots used in automated trading systems are programmed to carry out all the duties that traders would typically carry out manually. Additionally, the development of computing technologies has seen a wider gap open up between its consumers and the possibility of losing money in any exchange. It uses artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and machine learning to carry out transactions on behalf of investors.

Basics of a Bitcoin Buyer:

With Auto Trade

The most notable of Bitcoin Buyer’s advantages, which may execute lightning-fast cryptocurrency trading on your behalf, is the auto trade option. Bitcoin Buyer is an effective solution to the problems of lost transactions due to its high success rate and return on investment.

To ensure that investors’ earnings never stop while engaging in other activities, this feature executes planned trades based on the values of a few criteria. The intelligent bot will start the best bargains whenever the market conditions are right once they are. You should be aware that you are not required to change these settings. You can accept the default choice.

Using the choices offered by this function, a user can edit the auto trade feature to change which currencies are exchanged, how much gets invested, and how many transactions the bot can execute at once. Because of Bitcoin Buyer’s affiliate program, affiliate brokers have rapid access to liquidity and will always price any cryptocurrency competitively on your behalf.


With the payout process of Bitcoin Buyer, you will receive your money promptly and accurately. The bot says that traders can profit up to $1,500 per day on average by employing its services without any delays.

Although it may not be very pleasant to consider that some traders have profited significantly from their transactions, you should be aware that this is not unusual for seasoned traders. Nothing needs to worry about. You should also be aware that this procedure can be automated by the system. You can therefore go about your everyday business while your robot automatically deposits money into your account.

Assurance System

The verification process is simple to comprehend. The system confirms and saves the information when you enter your information in the appropriate fields. It’s time to deposit money into your account as the last step. To deposit money into your recently created account, submit your payment details. Other than the ones mentioned above, no other identification documents are required for the verification process. If any of your details change, you might need to revalidate your account. This information protects you from any malicious actions taken by cybercriminals attempting to access your account.

Transfers and Deposits

Requests are processed by the withdrawal system of this automatic trading robot in less than a day. Due to this, if a trader chooses to withdraw their gains, the money will start to show up in their bank account as soon as the next working day. You can pay out your winnings whenever you like because there are no limitations on the amount you can withdraw or the amount of time you can do so. A small sum of money should be removed from your account following each live trading session, according to seasoned traders with years of experience in the market. Since there are no fees associated with withdrawals on the site, nothing should prevent you from doing so, but check with your bank to find out how long it takes. Another benefit is the wide selection of fiat currencies and payment methods offered by Bitcoin Buyer. However, adding funds to the trading balance is also a simple process.


The trading system on the platform is open to all users. There are no additional fees or charges associated with it. There may be trading strategies that make promises, but have some inevitable conditions that make using them a must at the end of their operations.

We discovered that the system does not impose any additional fees after carefully evaluating the system, its operation, and its features as well as reading client testimonials. All investors can keep their entire profits; no sum is given up to cover commission fees.

What Kind of Profit Can You Expect from Bitcoin Buyer?

This Bitcoin Buyer review included an analysis we conducted to estimate the possible profit traders using Bitcoin Buyer may generate. We carefully considered several testimonials concerning Bitcoin Buyer’s live trading session when conducting this study.

Our group has determined that $250 is the minimal investment needed to earn from using Bitcoin Buyer. This made it relatively easy for investors to begin a live trading session. Many of them claimed that after computing the payout, trading sessions lasting 7 hours with an average $250 deposit produced returns of $800.

Many of them were taken aback since they had not anticipated this level of profits given the little initial commitment.

After reviewing the reviews of numerous previous clients, we can conclude that any cryptocurrency investor who follows the regulations and trades with a $250 minimum deposit would probably profit up to $800.

In conclusion, we found that the actual return that anyone may expect from trading with Bitcoin Buyer depends on a variety of circumstances, including the amount of beginning cash, the trading strategies utilized, the number of deals, and so on.

Do You Fit the Bill for Bitcoin Buyer?

Yes, you should do it. Anyone who wishes to earn money or more money will find it to be ideal. Below, you can see how Bitcoin Buyer is ideal for both you and anyone else seeking financial independence.

Anyone can utilize it.

Anyone can use Bitcoin Buyer, a free and open-source cryptocurrency trading tool. You are not need to have any prior expertise or training. It can only be an additional benefit. The authors provided this information to let the readers know that trading with Bitcoin Buyer was easy to do. This information will entice new investors looking for a way to augment their income to use Bitcoin Buyer to pursue their goals.

It completely secures your personal data.

Potential cryptocurrency investors who are concerned about the security of their financial and personal information can rest easy knowing that the developers of Bitcoin Buyer have promised all customers the best protection currently available online. They assert that they have protected the whole Bitcoin Buyer trading platform from online threats.

Customer Support That Acts

Customer support is available for the bitcoin trading platform. Customer support is available to all users around-the-clock, every day of the week. Customers who have used the customer support offered by the service platform have discovered it to be reliable and responsive as promised.

Why Are Bitcoin Robots Successful?

Even though they are aware of the market’s high volatility, every trader wants to make a profit. Making money in the cryptocurrency market shouldn’t be hampered by the market’s anomalies. The use of tools that are effective enough to guarantee ongoing profitability without anxiety is therefore required. The following are only a few applications for Bitcoin Robots’ utility.

Speed and general effectiveness are ensured

Trading robots outperform even the most seasoned and skilled traders in terms of analysis speed and operational efficiency. Robots that exchange bitcoins for you do so much more quickly than you could reasonably expect. In the bitcoin industry, as in any other, success depends on seizing opportunities as soon as they arise. As a result, you must properly configure your trading system if you want it to consistently execute the best deals for you. Trading bots can automate tasks that you would otherwise have to complete by manually, saving you time and money.

No psychological repercussions occur.

Trading is not for the easily swayed or those with poor mental faculties. The sporadic irregularity in the cryptosphere cannot be avoided. A trading enterprise may succeed or fail based on how effectively it performs. The need for a sophisticated, emotion-resistant trading system has arisen as a result. To assist traders in conducting profitable trades without being affected by human emotion, Bitcoin Trader has created an automated trading system. When utilizing this strategy, overambition and the fear of missing out are eliminated.

It is feasible to increase revenue

Using an automated trading system allows trade to continue indefinitely. Your robots can continue to make money for you day or night while you’re asleep. In that regard, you don’t need to worry about your finances again.

Risks associated with using Bitcoin robots for trading

During this examination, we also learned about various risks related to cryptocurrency trading. Additionally, the measures made by Bitcoin Buyer’s developers to lessen these dangers have been noted.

The market’s anomaly is at the top of the list. Losses are possible when market trends change frequently. Because of this, Bitcoin Buyer’s developers upgraded the robot’s skills so that it can now close deals much faster than the market can respond.

Stop-loss restrictions have also aided in preventing the loss of all crypto investors’ trading funds when utilizing Bitcoin Buyer. Using the stop-loss limit built into the Bitcoin Buyer trading robot, it is possible to monitor the market and assess current patterns to find probable clues of a bearish market trend. The trade is then put on hold until the market’s trends change.

Another is the impact of people. If you consistently conduct business based on feelings like overconfidence, ambition, fear, and worry, it is challenging to make smart decisions. It is for this reason that experts advise beginning or experienced traders to always designate a target exit point in any trade.

So why would one use Bitcoin Buyer to invest in bitcoin?

Convenient platform

Every piece of software must be user-friendly. Everything about the product, including navigation and features, should be simple to understand and use. Its sophisticated computational systems are designed to simplify, not complicate, trading. The trading interface on Bitcoin Buyer is simple to use. To help new users understand how to use the software effectively, the menus and options are organized and shown in a logical order.

Low risk and Potential for High Profit

Everything on a real trading platform revolves around making a large profit with the least amount of risk. What then could be more thrilling than working with a reputable auto trader that can promise a high conversion rate and a very minimal likelihood of losing money?

Such a system is Bitcoin Buyer. Once investors learn how to trade, it includes a variety of features and characteristics that guarantee them fast experience the stated success rate.

From little to large sums are invested. But proper trading dictates that you pick the lowest price to prevent losses brought on by bad trading.

Heightened safety

Along with the two previously mentioned aspects, Bitcoin Buyer also places a high priority on security. The need for sophisticated security measures is highlighted by recent cyber security events. Traders are constantly concerned about the security of their financial and personal information. We investigated these unresolved problems and found that using Bitcoin Buyer as a trading platform has less security risk.

Further research identified numerous steps taken to recognize and address potential risks to the cryptocurrency sector. Knowing that Bitcoin Buyer’s owners care about customer security is reassuring.

How to Register For Trading

Visit the website for Bitcoin Buyer and complete the required fields to create a new account. The account registration process begins with a fully completed online application form. It is not necessary to provide a lot of personal data to sign up. We only need your name, email, and phone number. Additionally, if you’d like, you can select your password or ask the clever system to generate one for you. Before a new account can be created and used, this form must be submitted and approved. As a result, you can start making money as soon as you open an active account. Due to the fact that the confirmation process is totally automated and instant, there are no limitations after registering. It is great that the program instantly confirms the account owner’s information because this reduces trading lag time and improves fluency.

Trial Account

The demo option does exist, even if Bitcoin Buyer does not promote it like they do other options on their platforms. Before making an investment, you will be able to see what you are getting into. Additionally, you can test out all of the features before participating in a real trading session. In the demo version, you can simulate the results you’d get in a real deal, and demo testing offers a high level of transparency. You will be able to watch the auto trading robot in action throughout the process, which will give you a much better knowledge because you will personally encounter “what might happen.” Everyone who is just starting started with bitcoin should use the demo option, which is great. Based on feedback from platform users, we deduced throughout our analysis that the Bitcoin Buyer trading trial account gives brokers a general understanding of the bitcoin trading system. The trader will have access to information on many aspects of the trading account and its numerous parts, in addition to the advantages already described. It may contain details like as the demo’s overall balance, earnings, trading history, ongoing operations, and active orders, among others. No of how long they trade, traders who open a demo account will get a $1500 cash incentive.


Bitcoin Buyer provides a wide range of online payment options. In addition to the standard bank transfer method, you can quickly deposit funds using a MasterCard or Visa credit card, as well as additional payment options like PayPal and MoneyGram, on the cryptocurrency trading platform Bitcoin Buyer. Investors appreciate the reasonableness of the minimum deposit, which is merely $250. This low price makes it possible for even low-income people to profit from the cryptocurrency market.

Actual Account

The platform will prompt the trader to change the commercial settings so that the platform can be customized to his own preferences and needs when he has finished depositing monies into his account. Changes can be made, among other things, to the daily stop loss, the maximum number of daily transactions, earnings, and other variables. To their trading platform, users can add a list of their preferred currency combinations, and they can also choose to exclude certain currency combinations in accordance with their trading philosophies. Traders have the option to activate the automatic trading feature after making their choices, allowing them to relax while their investments are carried out automatically. As soon as real trading starts, customers will notice a considerable boost in their account balance. The automated nature of this trading platform’s operations is one of its benefits. It simplifies and expedites the finish of each trading session compared to how it would be without it.


Bitcoin Buyer: Is it a scam?

Contrary to what many people think, Bitcoin Buyer is not just another shady trade site. It is one of the most well-known and respected trading robots on the cryptocurrency market, offering daily large percentage gains when using successful trading techniques. Even an area was set aside for members to practice on before beginning their trading careers in real life. As a result of its extraordinarily high success rate and stringent security requirements and safeguards, several users have stated that Bitcoin Buyer is the reason they selected it over every other option.

Bitcoin Buyer: genuine or fraudulent?

Never trust an auto trader just because it has a respectable user interface and a few customer reviews. You can find out that they are technologically behind them if you do your research. And services like Bitcoin Buyer stand apart as a result of this cutting-edge technology.

Virtually every well-known auto trader on the market was compared to Bitcoin Buyer, but none came close. It employs robotics systems to help it make judgments that are in the best interests of its customers. More traders and new investors have joined the platform since it is profitable. The robot advances and uses more data and resources as the user base increases.

We thoroughly review every trading system we look at, and for Bitcoin Buyer, the results were much better than we had anticipated. As a result of the blockchain system’s verification of every trade made during the trading process, traders may effectively monitor their trading account.

Is it safe to use Bitcoin Buyer?

Yes, using it is completely safe. You are twofold protected by Bitcoin Buyer. One is the safety of your data on the platform. If proper safeguards aren’t in place, cybercriminals can easily obtain the majority of internet information. A closer examination of Bitcoin Buyer, however, reveals that it includes all the necessary user security safeguards.

Your Bitcoin Buyer account balance is protected by the second set of security measures. The platform’s goal is to increase users’ wealth. Therefore, the brains of the system made sure that all necessary steps, including as the employment of licensed brokers, were taken to protect your investments.

To safeguard your account, keep in mind to use a strong password during the registration procedure. Your use of the platform’s online services is safe since this password is encrypted.

The operation of Bitcoin Buyer

The platform’s success has been attributed in part to its user-friendliness and accessibility to live trading. All that is necessary is to start the robot by hitting a button, manage your transactions, and choose how events will proceed. The machine searches the bitcoin market for the most profitable trends or indications.

They also take care of all the complicated and difficult jobs for you. When they find a profitable contract that satisfies your requirements, the deal is finalized. The system invests in the best offer using the money in Bitcoin Buyer. And the entire process will go off without a hitch from beginning to end.

Client feedback reveals that Bitcoin Buyer’s algorithm differs from other robots on the market in a certain way. Because the platform reacts to the present conditions and volatility of the bitcoin market, it executes 0.1 seconds faster than the market, which is a huge benefit.

How does Bitcoin Buyer work?

Many traders have witnessed an improvement in their financial status with the introduction of Bitcoin Buyer. As a result, a lot of traders who had previously made bad deals started to board this winning train. Anyone who wants to participate must register online at Bitcoin Buyer. To access the account and safeguard it going forward, it would be wise to enter a secure password. Once authenticated, the new trading account will be ready to earn extra money.

How is Bitcoin Buyer owned?

When a group of brokers spotted a potential to create a trading software in the expanding cryptocurrency industry, they founded Bitcoin Buyer two years ago. Because there were already a number of functional applications on the market, the Bitcoin Buyer developers made an investment to increase the app’s usability by milliseconds.

Because of this enhancement, Bitcoin Buyer now operates more effectively, enabling users to work more effectively with other apps of a similar nature. Despite these traits, the group’s members’ identities are still unknown to this day.

On Bitcoin Buyer, is it possible to lose money?

No, if you follow the rules. It implies that you must be prepared to take the required safety measures when employing a trading system. With the support of several algorithms and the processing capacity of integrated computing technologies, Bitcoin Buyer is a system that can never fail.

However, if you don’t take all the necessary steps, you could still suffer some loss. Avoiding panic trading, motional trading, and utilizing flawed or unproven tactics to stave off any possible losses would be beneficial. Similar to this, you must always start small to resist the need to take unwarranted chances.

How reliable is Bitcoin Buyer?

You certainly can. We who invest need to understand that there is risk involved in every investment. However, some trading strategies had gone above and beyond to get rid of or minimize them. According to our reviews, Bitcoin Buyer won’t have any external or internal security flaws that favor financial loss. Therefore, you should focus on perfecting its functionality and design. The impeccable makeup of Bitcoin Buyer accounts for its enduring effectiveness and dependability in the trading sector. Even better, you can open a demo account and practice trading with virtual money. Additionally, you should be aware that the platform only works with licensed brokers with solid track records.

How does Bitcoin Buyer work?

The features of Bitcoin Buyer, which make it incredibly simple for anyone to get started on the cryptocurrency trading platform, delighted our team. Making an account was all that was necessary to start trading on Bitcoin Buyer. Deposit after that to enable your account for genuine transactions.

Set the different trading parameters after deciding whether to trade manually or automatically. Once finished, you can move forward. It was fairly easy, according to the testimonials we found online from its clients. No user reviews were lacking in sufficient verification, according to our analysis of all of them.

Can I create a Bitcoin Buyer demo account to test it out?

You can, without a doubt. Experts endorse it. To get this offer, go to the platform’s signup page and do the standard registration. Once you are a member, you will have unlimited access to the demo account. With a demo account, you can make trades without depositing any money. Regardless of whether you put money into your real account, you will always have access to your demo account. As a result, you will be able to try out a variety of trading approaches and strategies. Make use of this feature to perfect your trading skill.

How do I log in to Bitcoin Buyer?

One of the reasons it is so much fun to use is how simple it is. The log-in procedure begins with creating an account. Once you have registered, log in with your unique username and password.

If you have lost or forgotten your password, do not freak out. If you still have some of your registration information, you are covered. Navigate to customer support and explain the problem to be solved. The issue will get resolved, and you will be up and running again in no time!

10 Ideas For Auto Trading

1. Begin with a small budget

Irrespective of how confident you are or might be, always start with minimal capital. It is the golden guideline for any investment journey in the cryptocurrency market. If you are a novice, you should take it even more slowly because you are prone to making impulsive trading. Making rash decisions with a significant amount is a quick-fire way to bankruptcy. Take your time to get used to the market with your small and piecewise form of trading. You can subsequently increase it with time.

2. Keep an eye on market developments

Auto traders often come with both manual and auto modes. But many abuse the automating functionality so much that they forget to check the market every day for changes. To protect your trading interests, keep up with all market activity and news about your preferred coin. With enough knowledge, you can customize your trades to the current market conditions.

3. Do not end up with a negative balance

It makes little sense to trade, earn profits and later lose it all. Excellent auto traders like Bitcoin Buyer provide their users with faster withdrawals. It is humane always to want more, but leaving your profits and compound it with the initial capital is risky. You can leave a small percentage of your profit and withdraw the rest to avoid negative cash flow.

4. Adopt a particular plan

Due to the cryptocurrency market’s volatility, traders have had to be grounded in a particular trading strategy. No one trader could avoid the effect of a sudden change in the market unless such a trader did not trade in the first place. Always use your proven trading tactics to maximize profits continuously and minimize losses due to market fluctuations.

5. Preserve a percentage of your revenues and know when to trade

Even though a trading platform claims a high success rate, not every trade will be profitable. As a result, you should avoid reinvesting all revenues to increase profits. Also, know when and when not to trade. Sometimes, not trading is the best profit you can ever make at that period.

6. Practice with the virtual balance

Practice makes perfection; therefore, always use the demo account very well before trading with real money. Never start bitcoin trading without familiarizing yourself with the platform’s features. So, be proactive now rather than waiting until it is too late to act. The demo will reveal some tips to note and things to avoid while trading with your live account.

7. Consider a trusted trading platform

By reading this review, we believe you are already doing this bit. Yes, it is imperative to use the best automatic trading system to accompany your tested and trusted strategy to implement. Excellent trading platforms will help you achieve your financial goals swiftly because they contain all the tools to make trading simple and profitable.

8. Steer clear of greed at all costs

Making extra money is easy enough that you want to do it frequently rather than just when you need it. Like most individuals, you will get tempted to overdo. And you will justify yourself as wanting to make huge profits before the system crashes quickly. This fear has made a lot of investors greedy and subsequently lose their investments. If you use a good platform like this, Bitcoin Buyer, you have nothing to fear. Desist from over-ambition that can severely cost you.

9. Pay attention to experts’ advice

There are two ways one can learn and understand the crypto market. You can either learn from others’ experiences or learn from your mistake, which might be too significant. The best bet you can take is always to consider and follow many experts’ recommendations because they would have experienced whatever you are facing.

10. Always call support \sThis tip is similar but not the same as the previous one. Do not be one of the numerous traders who neglect the specialized help desk. Allow the support to guide you through the trading process and never make assumptions. The bitcoin market is volatile and requires precision. Always check your choices with the support center. They always have your back.

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